The Metal-Era Blog

MasterSpec 101

Published -

Last updated: 11/17/21

What is MasterSpec®?

MasterSpec has been the industry standard since it was introduced in 1969 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA). In a nutshell, MasterSpec is a comprehensive library of specifications that covers over 1700 sections in full-length, short form, and outline formats. MasterSpec specifications are customizable and include qualitative product overviews, editing instructions, reference standards, manufacturer and product comparisons, drawing coordination, and specification checklists.

Who uses MasterSpec?

MasterSpec has over 12,000 users thanks to endorsements from the AIA, ACEC, ASID, ASLA, CASE, IIDA, NLA (ANLA), and NSPE. According to Consulting Specifying Engineers, 70% of the top firms use MasterSpec. 73% of Architectural Records’ top 500 firms use MasterSpec, including each company in their top ten.
Why is MasterSpec important for Architects?

With MasterSpec master guide specifications, architects can:

  • Add their own customizations

  • Delete areas of the specification that don’t apply to their project

  • Feel rest assured that their specifications are current and complete

  • Complete their specifications quicker

How is Metal-Era involved?

We know architects are busy and work long hours to meet project deadlines; therefore, we want to make it easy for them to access the product information they need and continue to be a reliable industry resource. Metal-Era joined MasterSpec in 2019. We currently have 3 specifications available:



  • 077100 ROOF SPECIALTIES           

Click to view M-E's MasterSpec Page on the Deltek Specpoint website.

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